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applied intelligence Live

  • The transformational potential of AI - a new perspective

    26 Jun 2024 Informa Tech's Applied Intelligence Group
    The AI Summit London transforms theoretical discussions into practical and profitable applications. This is where commercial AI comes to life.
  • Strengthening Cybersecurity: The Role of Generative AI in Threat Detection

    22 May 2024 Informa Tech's Applied Intelligence Group
    The AI and cybersecurity market is rapidly evolving as both fields experience exponential growth.
  • Verticalized AI is More Important than Ever

    23 Apr 2024 Informa Tech's Applied Intelligence Group, in partnership with Romi Mahajan, CEO, ExoFusion
    Guest opinion piece with Romi Mahajan, CEO, ExoFusion, exploring the virtues of verticalized AI.
  • The landscape of artificial intelligence is still expanding and at an even faster pace than ever before, and at the heart of this revolution lies generative AI.
  • The Biggest AI Sustainability Play of Them All: Fusion

    13 Mar 2024 Romi Mahajan, CEO ExoFusion
    Harnessing innovation, science, and technology to mitigate the effects of global warming and to usher in an era of clean energy.