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applied intelligence Live

Discover what’s happening right now in the applied intelligence space - from AI to Data Science, IoT to Quantum Computing - written and curated by our global analysts, editors and experts.

  • Women in AI: Shaping the Future of Gender Equality in the Workplace

    18 Sep 2023 Informa Tech, in partnership with Omdia and AI Business
    Explore the transformative role of AI in advancing gender equality - from tackling biases to fostering diverse workplaces, AI is paving the way for change.
  • Creating a Robust Digital Identity Foundation for Responsible AI

    04 Sep 2023 Interview with Aditya Khurjekar CEO & Founder, Medici Global, and AI-enabled markets, Prove
    With the rise of new technological trends, AI is moving into the mainstream at a faster pace than ever before.
  • Ethical considerations in the design, development and deployment of AI

    17 Aug 2023 Alley Lyles-Jenkins, Principal Consultant, Product Strategy & Experience Design - Slalom Consulting
    Exploring the potential impact of ethical debt, and the considerations and challenges around AI design and implementation.



Top 10 Transformative Trends 2024

Brand new expert insights for 2024 unveiled!

The experts at Omdia and AI Business join forces once again to share their predictions on the trends and topics that will be shaping the digital landscape in 2024 and beyond.

Generative AI is still high on the agenda, with other trends such as flying vehicles, sustainability and quantum computing as other topics that are keeping our experts talking.  Download the report to find out more.


2023 Trends Applied Intelligence